sociology works books


List, not exhaustive, preceded by writings which inspired sociological authors

Sun Tze


From his short treatise The Art of War :
"First, the acme of military strategy is to achieve victory without bloodshed. This first point is the direct result of the consideration of the economic, moral and political cost of war in a world where that  it is practiced within the same society, imperial China, and aims at the grabbing of resources and the subjugation of the vanquished. There is no interest, in Sun Zi, to destroy the coveted resources or to kill those who will be tomorrow our subjects. The notion of hereditary enemy does not yet exist.
Second, war is fundamentally about seeking comparative advantage, and it's less about destroying an opponent than making them lose the will to fight. This second point involves the use of force which is justly proportionate to the nature of the political objective pursued. It is fundamental, at Sun Zi, to save oneself, to trick, to destabilize, and to leave to shock only the role of coup de grace given to a helpless enemy.
Finally, knowledge of the opponent is the key factor in any military victory. This third point is the direct projection into military affairs of a traditional Chinese philosophy which holds intelligence and knowledge in general in high esteem. Spying for Sun Zi is the pinnacle of military action; process by which a warchief can have an overview of the situation and, if necessary, know in advance and without fear of being wrong who will win and who will lose the war. " (French Wikipedia)




Zhuāngzǐ said that the world “does not need to be governed; in fact, it should not be governed ”, and that “good order results spontaneously when things are left to their course ”. The American economist Murray Rothbard said of him that he was "perhaps the first anarchist in the world". (French Wikipedia)


"Antisthenes taught that the only philosophy is ethics, and that virtue is taught and sufficient for the happiness of the sage. It manifests itself in actions, it dispenses with speeches and theories. Consequently, one must lead a life as simple and moral as possible, and break away from social conventions. " (French Wikipedia)

Diogenes of Sinope


"It is partly because of their outrageous features that Diogenes' writings fell into near total oblivion. Indeed, Politeia (The Republic), a work written by Diogenes, taken up and later supported by the Politeia of Zeno by Cition, attacked many values ​​of the Greek world, admitting, among other things, total sexual freedom, indifference to the burial, equality between men and women, the negation of the sacred, the questioning of the city ​​and its laws, the suppression of weapons and money, self-sufficiency. "
(French Wikipedia)



"In physics, he argues as Democritus that everything that exists is made up of indivisible atoms. Atoms move randomly in a vacuum and can combine for the old aggregates of matter. The soul in particular would be one of these aggregates of atoms, not a spiritual entity, in particular according to his disciple Lucretius. In ethics, the Greek philosopher defends the idea that the sovereign good is pleasure, defined essentially as "absence of pain". In logic or epistemology , Epicurus considers that sensation is the source of all knowledge and thus announces empiricism.
His writings were destroyed during the advent of Christianity, established state religion of the Roman Empire, from the reign of Constantine I, but especially during the reign of Theodosius I (379-395), because his writings written not compatible with Christian morality. This autodafé was so strong, that today only fragments of the work of Epicurus remain, often reported by Diogenes Laërce, author of the third century. "(French Wikipedia)
He freed mankind from futility and the destructive illusion of the need for immortality.

de la Boétie

By his book
Traité de la servitude volontaire (Treatise on voluntary servitude), he showed the mechanisms of social servitude, and the means to get rid of it.


Through his book The Prince, he revealed the mechanisms of social domination, and, indirectly, the means to overcome it.

Joseph Buonarroti

Gracchus Babeuf et la conjuration des égaux

Where we see the practical importance of the fundamental principles of Freedom, Equality and Solidarity.

Free download in French Language here :

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon


"The only revolutionary theorist of the 19th century to come from the working class.
Self-taught, thinker of non-state libertarian socialism, supporter of mutualism and federalism, he was the first to claim to be an anarchist in 1840, a supporter of anarchy, understood in its positive sense: "Freedom is anarchy, because it does not 'admits not the government of the will, but only the rule of law, that is, of necessity'.
He is the author of over sixty books.
In 1840, in his first major work, What is property? or Research on the principle of Law and Government, it makes famous the formula "Property is theft". In this same work, he is the first author to use the expression "scientific socialism"; he write s: "in the same way the sovereignty of the will gives way before the sovereignty of reason, and will end up being annihilated in a scientific socialism".
(French Wikipedia)

Mikhail Bakunin

IHe wrote:
"I am really only free when all the human beings around me, men and women are also free. The freedom of others, far from being a limit or the negation of my freedom, is on the contrary the necessary condition and confirmation. I only really become free thanks to the freedom of others, so that the more free men are around me, the deeper and wider their freedom, and the more extensive, deeper and wider becomes my freedom. "

Pierre Kropotkine

For his conception of mutual aid and libertarian communism.


In his book The Unknown Revolution, he gave concrete evidence, as a direct participant, which explains how the ideal of the Soviets was transformed into a dictatorship against the Soviets, and this from the time of Lenin and Trotsky.

Gaston Leval

Espagne libertaire 1936-1939
(Libertarian Spain 1936-1939) is the book where, as a direct participant, he gives the proofs which show the successes of workers 'and peasants' self-management, and those responsible for its failure: on the one hand, the fascists, on the other hand, the Stalinists.

Situationist authors

De la misère en milieu étudiant considérée sous ses aspects économique, politique, psychologique, sexuel et notamment intellectuel et de quelques moyens pour y remédier (Poverty in the student environment considered in its economic, political, psychological, sexual and in particular intellectual aspects and some means to remedy it).
All the content is in the title of this brochure.

John Perkins

“The financial assassins are highly paid professionals who defraud billions of dollars in various countries of the globe. They direct money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and other "humanitarian" organizations into the coffers of large companies and into the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources. Their main weapons: fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections. bribery, extortion, sex and murder. They play a game as old as the world, but which has reached terrifying proportions in this era of globalization.
I know what I'm talking about... because I was a financial assassin myself. "
John Perkins,
preface to The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man